Friday, December 02, 2005


yep ive been slack at posting! im sorry!

its been a very busy week actually, im getting a bit stressed, but trying not to stress at the same time! with the Wedding, Baby, Christmas, Camping Holiday, Birthdays coming up, and Bills to pay at the same time, guess whos left to do it all! yup me! ahhhhh deep breaths! Half of its my fault because once again i have spent wayyy too much recently and have incurred a few bills.... DOH! ANYWAY!!!!........

as i said its been a busy week, i have been trying to catch up with friends, book appointments, keep appointments, finish Christmas shopping and relax at the same time! im sooooo tired!

This pregnancy already is totally different then when i was pregnant with Kaylee, i was severly ill with Kaylee, vomiting every day until late pregnancy, where as i am nearly 7 weeks pregnant now and no morning sickness at all! to put my mind at ease im having an early scan done very soon just to make sure its all ok in there and things are growing as they are meant to! The only thing similar to my pregnancy with Kaylee is Chocolate milk, its all i want, chocolate milk (skim milk of course!) but i must really need the calcium because its a huge craving!

what else have i been doing... oh yes i found out that my friend who had her baby the day before i did (yes not only was Amelia born the same day as Kaylee, my other pregnant friend due around the same time had her baby the day before!!!) is pregnant again too! she is due around May, but has only just recently found out! and hopefully fingers crossed another couple of friends testing on the weekend will get positives too!! i love babies!!!!!

i met my midwife yesterday, she is soooo lovely! i clicked with her straight away, shes so not wishy washy, she has actually had children (4) herself AND i will be allowed to do what i want to do and where i want to do it this time!!! WAAAHOOOOOO!!! so yes she is very cool

Kaylee had her MMR jabs last week, and last night the reaction came through, high temp, really grizzly, didnt go down until 9.30, here i was thinking ahhh nice she will sleep until at least 8am, ahhh NO! 6am, just after Darryl left for work she started, and has been a big poo ever since! so she is back in bed already and will hopefully sleep the rest of the crappy mood away and wake up my lovely happy daughter!

Kaylee is SO independent at the moment, she wants to do everything herself, which is ok at home, but when we are out feeding and being in the pushchair is such a mission and makes me so stressed out! i brought her a book the other day which will arrive soon, which is called "there is a house inside my mummy" about a new little brother or sister growing in mummys tummy, very cute and very fitting i thought!!!

im hungry, but i dont know what i want to eat, nothing appeals, i REALLY want Sushi, but we all know i cant have that anymore, next on my list is Subway, once again i cant have that anymore either..... maybe a chocolate milk :p

oh yes and my due date has changed, may change again at the scan, but thats ok! lol i am due the 22nd of July, the EXACT same date Kaylee was due!!! freaky aye!!!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Lol, that is freaky!! Hope bubs comes around the due date more than Kaylee did so they both get their own birthday :-)